The 10 Minute Holiday Workout
Lack of time is the biggest excuse that I hear for why people can’t workout. during the holidays. Many people take the week of Christmas off and plan to “start in the New Year”. What many people don’t realize, is that taking a week off from working out can really affect your overall fitness. It will take you the first two weeks of the New Year to hopefully get back to where you were in December. Why not give yourself a head start on your New Year goals by maintaining your workout routine during the holidays.
Since time is the biggest issue, I’ve created a 10 minute workout that you can do every day if you’d like but I would recommend at least 3 times during the week. Also, there’s no equipment required! Here’s the routine:

Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds
Walk Outs- 30 seconds
Workout: Repeat this 3 times
Squats- 30 seconds
Lunges- 1 minute
Push-ups - 30 seconds
Crab Dips- 30 seconds
Plank- 30 seconds
Rest- 30 seconds
*By choosing to use these exercise suggestions you do so at your own risk. Brittany Noelle is not responsible for any inherent risks that the use of her programs or suggestions may result in personal injury or loss